TOF’s official photographer, Mat Ward, went along to Roger Waters on Tuesday night and emailed us this review below. Check out more pics at Mat’s site.

Roger Waters, Melbourne 7th Feb 2012 – pic by Mat Ward.

Roger Waters review by Mat Ward:
Oh my god – this was the most amazing show I’ve ever seen! I wasn’t allowed to take my SLR so I’ve only got shots from my pocket camera which really don’t do justice to the specatacle. It helps that I’ve loved the album (The Wall) for decades of course. The show was updated to include a major anti-war message covering all wars over the last 100 years or so.  Lights, explosions, fireworks – this show had everything! Amazing music, an awesome band with a 4 voice choir attached.

Roger Waters, Melbourne 7th Feb 2012 – pic by Mat Ward.

Incredible projection system with amazing visuals that only got better as the wall was built across the set. Scary giant inflatable puppets. A giant flying pig roaming around the arena. And the master himself, Roger Waters singing and performing some of his most personal work. Incredibly moving at times. It was an honour and a privilege and an absolute delight to see this show.

Still buzzing from the whole thing.

Roger Waters, Melbourne 7th Feb 2012 – pic by Mat Ward.

Many thanks, Mat.

Have a great weekend. We’ll be back in the studio on Sunday.

Checkya later,
Fires out.