Archive for April, 2013

Show 1 Done, Cologne Love

Dang that was good. First show – alright. Blast. Back home. Drinkin’, sleep now, adrenaline pumping. Great night.

Cologne Blue Shell 5Apr13

2nd show tomorrow night. Early start on the road. They say it’ll be 17 degrees on Wednesday – Heat Wave!

Fires out.

First German Tour Show Tonight – Cologne

First German tour show tonight. Excited & wired. Blue Shell in Cologne with the mighty Vagrants.

Rehearsal Beijing 30Mar13
En route to rehearsal, Beijing last weekend.

Hangin’ for it.

Fires out.

Merch Collected, Ready To Roll

Drove to Wuppertal to pick up the merch this morning. T-shirts & badges for us and The Vagrants, ready to go for tomorrow night. We’ve gone for black T’s with the yellow lighter design on the front. Looks great. Below, a shot from the balcony at Wilf’s place. He’s a great guy. We’ve been talking about all things film-editing – his job and passion. Been getting some excellent advice about which new software to work on for our videos, now that Final Cut have released an appalling new version (X) which is pretty low-grade and clunky (and a total shock after being industry leaders for so long). Of course, older and better versions of Final Cut Pro no longer work on newer Mac operating systems. Don’t ya hate that.

Cologne Balcony 04Apr13
Wilf’s balcony, Cologne Germany.

First tour show tomorrow night in Cologne at the Blue Shell.

Fires out.

Gear Bag Shows Up

When you’re luggage goes missing at an airport on tour, it’s an anxious time with that little voice in your head asking “Will I ever see my equipment again?”. Somehow, for all the touring we’ve done, we still haven’t permanently lost a bag yet. And, yet again, the latest lost bag (mentioned yesterday) showed up at Frankfurt airport last night after mysteriously missing the flight from Beijing the day before. Don’t know how they manage to do it, but airlines need to stop terrifying their passengers with that stuff. Thankful for small mercies, today I’ve got clothes and equipment again to do the tour through Germany & beyond. Ahhhh the relief.

Bag shows up 2Apr13
Gear shows up.

Here’s a shot from our German tour booker’s balcony, looking across the Rhine this morning. Off to Cologne today in readiness for the first tour date on Friday.

Balcony Views Rhine 03Apr13

Fires out.

Missing Again?

Everything went smoothly at Beijing airport. Too smoothly. After a 10 hour flight to Frankfurt, we were still happy about how easy it was all going. Then, the baggage carousel. And, yet again one of our bags is missing. It’s cool though, I don’t have any clothes or enough equipment to play the tour here – but who cares? Hopefully the bag turns up today – apparently it’s not even in ‘the system’ so nobody knows if it exists at all.

Beijing Tarmac
Tarmac at Beijing where they’re trashing & losing my stuff right now.

Seriously, how hard can it be to put a bag on a plane (especially the one you’re on, and all your other bags are on)? Let’s look at this for a moment; man on the moon, cars driving themselves, DNA technology, deep-sea welding, bag on a plane – TOO HARD!!! While we’re at it, China Air also smashed part of my guitar case (one of the cases they did manage to put on the plane). It’s a freekin’ road case. They only way you can do that is either drive over it or drop it from the tail-fin. F*CK ME. Guitar is still intact…

It’s nice here in Frankfurt. A little chilly – but that’s cool.

Off to find missing stuff…
Fires out.

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