Archive for January, 2014

Why Triple J Sucks

Here’s a magnificent article rightly attacking Triple J radio for turning its back on Oz pub rock. It’s a rare thing to see anyone stand up to the all-powerful J’s. Musicians won’t, for fear of committing career suicide. Industry won’t either – for the same reason. James Young’s got a lotta guts so far as I’m concerned. I disagree with none of what he says here –

It’s Time Triple J Stop Being Successful & Start Being Accountable

Written by James Young on 16 January 2014.
Full article at

Pic taken from

I am not Triple J’s target audience; I’m too old, although I’m considerably younger than its Program Manager Richard Kingsmill. I know a bit about music. I was the Program Manager of RRR for three years and a volunteer presenter for 14 years. I co-own two indie music labels, manage bands, book venues, own and run music festivals and own Cherry Bar, blah blah blah. I’m also a taxpayer, as well as a music lover and I feel entitled to an opinion on Triple J.

Triple J remains massively influential. As a local act, to get on major music festivals or score an international support or  tour interstate and have people turn up, you must be played on the station. Without Triple J support most bands will struggle to survive, and this is exactly why it is imperative that Triple J supports all types of local talent.

In my opinion Triple J has crawled up its own arse favouring skip-hop music (sorry, I just threw up a bit in mouth) and internationals and has turned its back on Oz pub rock, the defining sound of Australia. Click here to read more.

Fires out.

Comic’s Lounge North Melbourne

Went to the Comic’s Lounge, North Melbourne last night. Thanks to our buddy Mal for organising a group of us to see the Clayton Fletcher (US) & Gab Rossi show. Had a lotta fun & left without settling my tab at the bar. Better get back there today & sort that. Biggest thing that struck me, comedy aside, was the slick organisation of the show. They ran like clockwork, never missed a beat – regularly promoting the comedians & the club, announcing the next act, large monitors with comedian’s name at the sides of the stage, friendly bar staff, prizes, gold-passes to be won, feed-back pages at every table (collecting email addresses), brochures showing upcoming events, ‘Facebook’ photos being taken by staff. The list goes on.

Comic's Lounge With Mal & crew
‘Facebook’ pic taken by staff at Comic’s Lounge, North Melbourne last night. (Courtesy Mal’s FB)

As musicians, we couldn’t help being a little awed by the experience. And the several hundred people who paid $30 on a Wednesday night. We left inspired to run our shows, or any other shows for that matter, a whole lot better. To labour the point, when you go to see bands you can often count on disorganisation, bands starting late & running over-time, not knowing the name of the band you’re watching, bad sound, a general lack of communication and so on. In an era of fierce competition for the ‘entertainment dollar’ we need to seriously improve how we do things, musicians & pubs alike.

Fires out.

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Vault Classic – ‘Sky’ At Stalk’s Yak Bar 2005

Here’s a gem from way back. There’s precious little footage of The On Fires from this time – 2005 at The Yak Bar in Abbotsford (Victoria Australia). We got our start at The Yak & almost a decade later we’re still thanking Stalk the owner for his amazing support. He let us play 3 sets every Sunday for a year in 05/06. This was always the last song of the night – ‘Sky Caves In’ from our first record.

Fires out.

Death Metal At The Bendi

Too much fun at the Bendigo Hotel on Sunday night. TC, Mat & Craigie dropped around earlier in the evening. We based here in the beer garden for Triple J’s 2013 Hottest 100 (final 20). Got into a huge conversation about the pros & cons of the hair-metal era (as ya do). Mat & Craigie hit the road around 10 & for some reason after way too many beers TC & I thought we’d hit the Bendi for an Australia Day death metal show. We were not disappointed. Wish the guys had stuck around & come with us. Found myself in the mosh. Awesome. Nothing like a metal gig to get the blood pumping. The bands were great. Left with a smile on my face & way too much adrenaline to sleep. These guys were headlining –

Be’Lakor on stage at Summer Breeze 2010. Pic taken from their Facebook page.

On the line-up with Be’Lakor were Claim The Throne (WA), Orpheus Omega, Okera & Heisenberg.
Hangin’ for the next show.

Fires out.

Sarah Rzek Band – Ben Redlich

Ben Redlich sent us a link to his new band, Sarah Rzek Band. This is some really cool stuff – take a listen below. First met Ben on the road with The Vagrants years ago in Germany. If memory serves me right, he celebrated his 21st after a show in Berlin. Ben was The Vagrants drummer for some time. Late in 2012, he came on board with us for the Revelry show at Abbotsford Hall. I like the sound of his latest band, sorta quirky, bit folky, rocking out when it needs to…

Have a great weekend.
Fires out.

Penny Lane

Stalk & Kim were over last night for a BBQ & a few quiet ones. Due to current Beatles obsession, pulled out the acoustic & had a crack at this one, Max on BVs, everybody singing along. Love this song…

Fires out.

Vagrant On The Slopes Of Austria

Pic Below: Steve from The Vagrants on the ski slopes of Austria 2 weeks ago. He’s back there again, working as a ski-instructor by day, playing in the bars by night. We toured with The Vagrants through Germany in April last year. It was one of the most fun tours ever. I’m tipping the guys are gearing up for another tour of Germany, Austria and beyond sometime over the next few months.

Vagrant On The Slopes - Austria
Steve Iorio – Austrian ski slopes 4th Jan 2014.

Fires out.

Mercy Dash Facebookin’

Great Facebook chatter going on at the moment after Saturday night’s Mercy Dash re-union show. Check it out here at the Mercy Dash event page. Or here at The On Fires FB site. Thanks to Mick & Stace Brown for the shot below (and the shots in the video – see yesterday’s post). Crazy fun night. Great way to kick off 2014, playing with a bunch of old mates at such a great venue. And catching up with a whole lotta people I haven’t seen for so long.

MercyDash Reunion pic2
Mercy Dash reunion show, 18th Jan 2014.

No doubt there’ll be another Mercy Dash show at some point. Everybody in the band is nowadays in another band – and working hard at it. That’s the tricky bit.

Fires out.

Mercy Dash Reunion With A Bang

A very short video of the long-awaited Mercy Dash Reunion which happened Saturday night (18th Jan 2014) – Many thanks to Al and Deb who shot the footage. Did a bit of splicing & threw some still shots in there. We had an awesome night – and yes, there was plenty of rock-piggery goin’ down. The still shots feature two other lead singers who were also in Mercy Dash, Manno and Adam (don’t have video of them yet).

Fires out.

Ready To Roll Mercy Dash Reunion

Sound check done. Kids running everywhere. People arriving. Beer flowing. Awesome monster ‘outdoor’ shed. First band about to start. Mercy Dash due on stage later.


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