Delighted with Kegasaurus Wrecks’ debut album, ‘Swamp Gas Beer‘. As posted yesterday, we just received a promo pack complete with CDs, t-shirts, caps etc – also reminded us how much we miss the guys. We met these fine Floridian gents on a US tour in 2010. I must say, bias aside, it’s a great sounding record. Well crafted rock/metal, deep pounding drums, in-your-face guitars – and gutsy yet melodic vocals.
The songs bring a party-vibe while maintaining a soulful substance. And the production (courtesy Dewayne Hart) sounds amazing – it’s solid & precise without losing the band’s organic rock feel. A big thumbs up to Kegasaurus Wrecks for a fine debut release. Get yourself a copy. And check out the band’s Reverb Nation page.
Fires out.