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Sunday’s Back at Retreat Abbotsford

So great to be back. Good times last Sunday at the Retreat Abbotsford. Playing under a swooping Millennium Falcon. Sean and Ebs shakin’ it. Craigie on bended knee. Ross Buckingham all the way from the UK. Christian? See you Sunday…


Starting Retreat Sundays again today!

Starting Sundays again today! See you this arvo at the Retreat Abbotsford. Kick off around 3:30. It’ll be a warm one – lookin forward to a cold one or two…

Farewell Jan

The passing of Jan Harman leaves a chasm in our hearts.

A person who carried herself with grace, love and kindness to the very end. An artist, a mum, a grandmother, a friend. Larger than life, Jan touched us all. It’ll take some time to believe she’s gone. She was so loved and so lovely to be around.

Just a few months ago Max and I were playing at our local pub and, as usual, Jan was dancing, singing, mixing it with the locals, chatting with everyone – lighting up the room the way she always did. I’ll miss her irreplaceable presence, her laugh, her smile, her sense of humour. And I’ll remember always Jan’s way of leading with empathy and generosity, whatever the situation, no matter how challenging.

And it has to be said, she was sooooo freekin’ cool.

What a terrible loss. What an awfully sad time. Life ain’t fair, that’s for sure. We weep now as we remember and honour a life so beautifully lived.

Farewell Jan. You will live on in our hearts for the rest of our lives.

Love, Marty.

More from Sunday’s Banger 100 @ Retreat Abbotsford

There are too many great shots in here from Sunday. The best! – and rowdiest Retreat crew ever. Thanks to Max Harman , Bren Young , Lauren Cray for the pics! Sensational. Check Facebook for more. See you Sunday!


100 Shows @ Retreat with a Bang!

This is awesome. Sums up Sunday so well. Thanks to everyone for an epic day! Onya Steve for shooting this – classic!


100th Show this Sunday @ Retreat Abbotsford YEAH!

Classic shots from last Sunday. I love these. (Thanks to Max for awesome shots) Tomorrow will be my 100th show @retreat_abbotsford
Lookin’ very much forward to it. Kick off about 3:30pm. Seeya there!

100th Show this Sunday @ Retreat Abbotsford

As the 100th Show at the Retreat looms large for this weekend, I am reminded of the many great moments since beginning Sundays there in 2022. Last Sunday one of my favourites, dedicating Country Road to the magnificent Jan Harman – and the ensuing rousing sing along (loudest ever). Sunday before last turned into a jam for 3 hours at the bar, everybody in. Thanks to Ro for these great shots. See you this Sunday for an extravaganza!

The Brave @ The Retreat Grand Final aftermath

Onya Ebs! Thanks to the brave people who made it along yesterday, the last in a big big weekend… @retreat_abbotsford

93rd show – a total banger at Retreat Abbotsford

One of the most memorable for me last Sunday at The Retreat. Dan Hall (Taxi Ride, Airway Lanes) rocked up and jumped in on a bunch of songs, and played many of those legendary tunes we love hearing him do. Max jumped in on some ‘classic’ On Fires, as well as a couple of Beatles tunes (if I remember correctly). Sean rounded out the show with a rousing a cappella ‘The Gambler”. The vibe was infectious, loads of dancing and massive sing alongs. Catch you Sunday.

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