Come down to Mr Boogie Man Bar Abbotsford, 7pm Sat 24th Aug. It’ll be an awesome night – free entry – and our last local show before heading to Europe in September. The Dave Frusher Meat Tray Raffle, a special guest or two, finger food and so much more. See ya there.
Hose Down Daily Blog
German Radio – Pre-release Ad – Sinner Rock
Keep this on the down low. Comes out Sunday in Germany.
Sky Caves In Album Released On Spotify
Our debut album Sky Caves In is now available on Spotify at The On Fires page.
Check it out right here –
We’ve re-released this album in honour of our first European tour in 6 years – this September – and for ‘Back to the Yak’ at Mr Boogie Man Bar, 7pm 24th August. Check our FB page for details.
Sky Caves In was released in 2004 (Whoa) during the heady days of all things MySpace. We’d even book tours using this now all-but-defunct app, easily contacting bands overseas, jumping on lineups from Poland to Ukraine, sleeping on floors etc.
Sky was recorded locally at our previous home studio in Richmond. Mick Brown, who’ll be joining us at Back to the Yak, was our drummer way back then. And he killed it. Check the title track for one.
Fires out.
Meat Raffle Winner? – Back to the Yak
Meat raffle winner exraordinare – the mighty Mr Clive Cooke – will indeed this time be drawing the meat raffle at Back to the Yak, Ably assisted of course by Ms Heidi. This likely means he may well be out of the running to actually win it. There’s an historical tragedy playing out here. Perhaps he might have won it for a tenth time.
Alas, perhaps not this time…
Mick Brown Joins Us – Back To The Yak!
Very special guest, Mr Mick Brown – our original drummer who played on the Sky Caves In album – will be joining us on stage at the ‘Back to the Yak’ show, Sat 24th August at Mr Boogie Man. How cool is that!
We’ve played tons of shows with Mick – and many at the Yak. He’s a crackin’ roof-raising super rock drummer – and a gentleman to boot (unlike myself). Damn we’re looking forward to it!
Fires out.
Back To The Yak at Mr Boogieman 24/8
Here it comes. The big one for the year. (for quite a few years in fact). We’re taking it back to The Yak, the bar where it all began for us some 12 years ago. These days it’s my local. Barman Dave (the Doctor), gave the place a new name 5 years ago – Mr Boogieman Bar.
Dave and cohorts Jax and Rosco have restored the place to it’s former glory. And we’ll be back there on Saturday 24th August. Kicking off around 7pm. We have a special guest or two – details shortly, watch this space.
Seeya there!
Fires out.
24th8 Back At The Yak
Saturday night 24th August 2019, we’re ‘Back At The Yak’.
A show 12 years in the making… from the place where it all began. Now the beloved Mr Boogieman Bar – Join us for a one-and-only pre-European tour show.
(Europe September) Heidi’s quiche? Meat raffle? (Clive)
More details soon – keep the date. 24th8.
Way back
Ah yes – searching through press and promo shots for upcoming German tour later this year, came across this gem. ‘Sky Caves In’ album release press shot, 2004. Ah the memories…
Live Video – Saturday at La Niche
Secret show – last saturday night at La Niche, Smith St Fitzroy. Possibly Human…
Many thanks to Gav for taking the footage (more soon).