What an amazing night. So many familiar faces and love in the air. Cutting video together now, featuring footage of last night’s show at Cherry Bar, Melbourne. Our final show after nearly a year touring – and our only Melbourne show for this year. We had a blast. Shots below tell some of the story – more details (and video) coming during the week.
We will be playing TONIGHT down at the mighty Cherry Bar, ACDC Lane, Melbourne. A small army of special guest star performers to join us on stage including surprise guest lead vocals & guitars, bagpipes, brass, and an all-star guest backing vocal contingent. It’s all happening. See you there tonight for the biggest night of the year.
Fires out.
It’s finally here – Video Blog featureing the last 3 dates of our Australian tour (The Great Northern in Byron Bay, Equniox Rocks Festival – Toogoolawah QLD & The Annandale Hotel – Sydney) 13th – 20th Oct 2010.
We love this episode for the big Sky Diving bit. The guys at Equinox Rocks Festival – Ramblers Sky Diving – took us up & threw us out of a plane at 14,000 feet, filming us on the way down. It was our first time…
This is our final show for the year (and over a year since we’ve played in Melbourne). We’ve got something really special planned for the event. Special guests, brass, guest backing vocalists, bagpipes and more!
We’re on SYN TV at 5pm today. We’ll be shooting the breeze & playing a track live in the studio. Catch it all on SYN TV Channel 44 Digital or Channel 31 Analogue.
Seeya at Cherry Bar, ACDC Lane Melbourne, tomorrow night!
Fires out.
As per the last post (early this morning) we were at Stalk & Kim’s in Abbotsford last night – rehearsing for Saturday’s show at Cherry Bar. Not quite sure why I felt the need to grab my own nipple in the shot below. Perhaps all that singing can make one ammorous.
That’s Stalk in the Hawaiian shirt at the back, and last minute addition, Michael (in the shades) who replaces Craig McGrath on backing vocals.
Sadly, Craigie pulled a vocal hammy during the week and has therefore been side-lined. That said, Michael has taken to the task with gusto as excitement builds for the show this Saturday…
And while we’re on the happy snaps – the shot below was taken at Friday’s band rehearsal. Left to right – Mick Brown (drums), Mark Gardner (trumpet) & Mike Gallichio (bass). Yep 5 Ms in one studio room… and Mojo waiting outside in the van.
CHOOK RAFFLE: We can confirm rumours of a chook raffle this Saturday at the Cherry Show. Some lucky punter will take home ‘chicken booty’ from the show (Clive again?).
Just got back from a ‘vocal rehearsal’ at Stalk’s place. A great night. We did actually get down to business. The vocals sounding great. Kim (Stalk’s partner in crime) conducting – and conducting well. Then the ‘festivities’ began…
So, we’re home now – back out at the farm (thanks to Max’s non-drinkin-driving skills). Mojo’s going nuts (Mojo the dog). There are animals out there all over the place. You see em when you’re driving in. Foxes darting off the road. Rabbits everywhere. Ahhhh… the native Aussie wild-life. Not a roo in sight, anywhere. Must have shot em or farmed em out. Anyhow, Mojo sprints off without warning to tackle the smell of something way too fast for a fat Staffy. Then he gets half lost out there, barking. And we have to go get him before he wakes Woz. It’s a race against time. Sorry Woz (our nearest neighbour).
Our monthly Hose Down email newsletter is about to hit your inbox (if you’ve signed up at the top right of this page).
This month includes some killer footage of The On Fires SKY DIVING at the Equinox Rocks festival last month. The song playing in the background: a live rehearsal recording from Houston earlier this year – released exclusively for this video.
We’ll feature a bunch of other stuff as well, including Max’s world tour food diary, upcoming show news & various other tales.
Sign up to our email list for your monthly hose down – direct to your inbox – and be the first to get exclusive video and much more.
(Your email address will be treated in the strictest confidence, we value your privacy.)
Don’t miss our only Melbourne show for the year, this Saturday night. It’ll be the last time we’ll play in Australia til mid next year. Check the Shows page for full details.
Sons Of Messengers will be joining us for the show this Saturday at Cherry Bar, Melbourne.
In honour of the event, they put this hilarious video together.
Sign up for your monthly Hose Down email at the top of this page. Get exclusive video, tour tales, food diaries and more. (We value your privacy – so your email will be kept in the strictest confidence.)
It’s going to be big. Not a late one – all over by 11:30. We hit the stage at 10:15. Brass, bag-pipes and backing vocals all ready to roll.
The latest video – coming in the next monthly email Hose Down – is all done and ready to go. It features footage of us sky-diving at Equinox Rocks last month – to a track recorded live in Houston a few months ago. Get your Hose Down every month by signing up to our mailing list (top right of this page). Don’t miss this next one.
Just got in from an interview at the mighty SYN FM, Melbourne. Travel Bug was the show & we were talking about some of the different places we’d experienced on tour this year. Played a track live (Skeleton) and Stu, one of the announcers, did some filming. I’ve gotta get cracking with the video (still haven’t got through the last Aussie tour dates footage yet…). Suffice to say, the video from today will be up here shortly. The guys will also have the whole show up on line to podcast in a week or so (we’ll feature it here).
(Above: Simon, Max, Stu & Marty.)
The Cherry Bar show on 13th Nov is shaping up to be special indeed. Brass section, backing vocal section, 8 people on stage – we can feel the bigness.
Sequestered up here in the hills east of Melbourne. Cherry Bar Show in less than 2 weeks – Sat 13th Nov. Big Melbourne Cup day tomorrow – might head into town for that one. Halloween last night (not that anyone trick-or-treats out here.
In the USA our New Hampshire friend, Skyler, dressed like Max for Halloween (pic below) – complete with red hair and keyboard – she posted this on facebook. Nice work Skyler.
Video still coming from the last few tour dates.