We played a show at Castaways in Ithaca, upstate New York, last night. We’re all really sore today, feels like the morning after a football game. We had a great time at the show, most of the audience joining us up on stage for a group shot after the last song.

Mat Ward does it again.

He’s our Pledger Of The Week for the second time on this tour.

That’s Mat with Max after jumping out of a plane in October of last year. We’d just played a festival show 2 hours north west of Brisbane, Australia. The morning after, we all suited up, piled into planes and jumped out at 14,000 feet. We were so pleased to have Mat come with us – a man who’s been supporting our band from its earliest beginnings (even before the Yak Bar). Over the years Mat Ward has been many things to us including our roadie and official photographer. I reckon he’s probably attended about 90% of our Australian shows.

It’s people like Mat who’ve kept us on the road this tour, Pledging for a variety of different tour items including a phone call from the road (we tried last night after Castaways – but got his voice-mail, will have another crack at the call shortly).

A big thanks to you Mr Ward.

Checkya tomorrow.
Fires out.