Mojo – Cat Litter Smasher

On a somewhat lighter note this Friday afternoon, our pooch Mojo just smashed the cat litter tray. Unthinkable things he does in there when we’re not looking. Apparently, Max caught him with stuff all over his back. He wouldn’t sit for the pic through. Next best thing was the aftermath.

Mojo Disgrace-10Apr15
Mojo’s handy-work.

Off to work at the Speigeltent Bar tonight in Collingwood. Practice for when we open the new venue. Using the experience to design the bar layout here too. Love the job. Scary at first, but into the swing now. Have a great weekend & GO DOGS – playing the formidable Tigers tomorrow at MCG. No love lost.

Fires out.

Vagrants Latest Video

Good mates, The Vagrants just released their latest video ‘Can’t Take Anymore’. They’re on the road through Germany this month.

Go guys.
Fires out.

Backstage Rod Laver

Backstage at Rod Laver arena last month courtesy Kent Arberle. Kent’s band Kristian Bush opened for the band below, Lady Antebellum. Great to see the man, his first time in Australia after years touring with us overseas.

Lady Antebellum Rod Laver-17Mar15

Our first time backstage at Rod Laver too. Took an overseas buddy to get us there.

Fires out.

Easter Weekend & The Tote

Had a great 4 day weekend. Kinda sad today. Back to work & mum left town, on return to Tamworth. Hadn’t seen her in almost a year & the few weeks she spent visiting friends & family went quick. On a lighter note, had a great arvo with mate Craigie at the Tote yesterday. Mini festival, about 8 bands in an eclectic mix. Watching hip hop act, Griffin Brain & realised I’d been smiling the whole show. Great fun. Here’s some video.

Griffin Brain at Lord Fest – The Tote, Monday 6th April 2015.

Fires out.

Nigel’s Post – US Tour Fiasco

Nigel posted this pic on his blog this morning. Friend of Max’s, he wrote something really cool about the band, put pics & video to go with it. The pic below – our US tour van 2011. We played 25 dates across North America on our 3rd tour there. Unfortunately, the guys who owned the van pulled out after the first weekend. Though it was never said, they might have found touring wasn’t the fun they’d expected. 4 days of hard driving, late nights, early mornings, sleep deprivation & the lack of sex & drugs was probably a disappointment.

US Tour Van-2011

When they suddenly quit the tour, we were left without transport for a huge run of shows starting the following day. One of those moments where you either quit or crash through. We were up for several thousand bucks in the blink of an eye. Somehow, we made every date, finished the tour & went directly to China. By the time we hit China, we were hardened, tight & ready for some wildly big shows. (See China vid here)

Fires out.

Flash Back Gorilla Munster

Couldn’t help this after yesterday’s post. The Vagrants setting up Monday night to sound-check for a show at Gorilla Bar in Munster, Germany. We played that bar with them, April 2013 – was one of our favourite German tour shows to a packed house. I remember an English fella coming up afterward saying “Whatever you do, do not get a drummer. You’ve got it all going on. You don’t need to mess it up for a guy with two sticks.”

Vagrants At Gorilla-30Mar15

After Munster we went directly to Beijing to start a month long tour through China. See the Germany/China tour diary at our YouTube Channel. As mentioned, missing the road a bit these days. Overwhelming feelings of withdrawal.

Fires out.

They’re At It Again – Vagrants EU Tour

They’re off & running on yet another tour of Germany & surrounds. Took this pic from Steve’s Facebook – Vagrants live at Alt-Werdohl bar, Werdohl Germany Sunday night.

Vagrants Live Shot-Austria-29Mar15
Audience pic from the stage, The Vagrants live in Werdohl, Germany Sunday night.

Just saw pics live from Gorilla Bar in Munster last night. We played that bar with the guys in 2013. Living vicariously through our Vagrant friends at the moment as we dig deep to build the venue here.

Fires out.


Sunday Session

Worked a couple of long shifts at the Speigeltent bar over the weekend. Had yesterday off. Dropped in to Stalk & Kim’s to catch up over a few beers. Guitar & percussion came out, jam ensued. Another great night & perfect way to round out the weekend.

Stalk & Kim’s place last night (thanks to Stalk for the pic).

Fires out.

Rare Video Węgorzewo 2010

While we’re on Poland – here’s a clip shot from the audience at a festival we played in a town called Węgorzewo in the northern lakes area (near Gdansk). Max gets almost all the way through an old Polish folk song. Words escape her at the last verse, everybody cheering or laughing. Houston guys, Chris & Kevin on bass & drums. Such a great time (and too much vodka) in a beautiful part of Europe.

Fires out.

From The Vault – Poland

One from the vault. Live in Lublin, Poland – opening for legendary metal band Turbo, January 2010. It was freezing, temps 15 below & colder, we spent most of the tour negotiating ice & snow. An amazing journey through Poland & Slovakia. You can see the tour diary at our YouTube channel.

The On Fires, Live in Poland – Jan 2010.

Fires out.

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