2015 Incoming

Rang in the new year over at Stalk & Kim’s. Jamming round their backyard table. Up on the roof for midnight fireworks clear as day from the city a few k’s away. Had a great night. Home by 4. (Thanks again to Deano for shots below)

NYE1-31Dec14 NYE2-01Jan15

Lots to come this year. Slightly overwhelmed. New venue opening, new songs, recording…

Fires out.

Last Show 2014

Last show went great. Best of the ‘season’ & great way to finish up for the year. Campbell on bagpipes. Been a hectic week since with Christmas & Boxing Day. Thanks again to Deano for yet another show pic.

Last Show 21Dec14
The On Fires with Campbell, 21st Dec 2014 (thanks Deano).

Have a great New Year celebration.

Fires out.

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Lazy Sundays at 208

Great day yesterday for the 2nd last Sunday of the year. Brendan Young our special guest artist. Weather was awesome. Had a few more people drop in this week.

Brendan Young-14Dec14
The mighty Brendan Young (Chapter Ray, Mercy Dash) – yesterdays special guest.

This Sunday will be our last for the year, doubling as our Christmas break-up celebration. Come down, say hello (& seeya next year). Doors open 1pm. Entry’s free, drinks are cheap, On Fires playing from 2 til 5, special guest artists joining us, party pies & I’m told a big Christmas hamper raffle (generously donated by Kim Cujo). It’ll be a fantastic arvo this Sunday – 208 Johnston St Collingwood.

Deano's Pic 14Dec14
Thanks to Deano for the pics.

Fires out.

208 Sunday Show – feat. Olivia Kate

Not a great pic from last Sunday’s show at 208, but guest artist Olivia Kate was a surprise talent. Just outa high school, this might have been her first show in a bar/pub. She was great, played a short set, crowd didn’t want her to finish, we got a couple more encore songs.

Olivia Kate
Olivia Kate on stage at 208 – thanks to Stalk our barman for the pic.

It was a slow day, bad weather not doing any favours. Max & I played in front of the stage later in the arvo to a faithful handful of friends who helped enthusiastically on percussion.

On The Floor at 208
On the floor at 208 last Sunday – thanks again Stalk for the pic.

2nd last show for the year this Sunday. Come down to 208 Johnston St Collingwood for a cruisy Sunday arvo. Cheap drinks & free entry – the way we like it.

Fires out.

Sunday No. 2 – Cruisy Beatboxin’

Had another great day yesterday. Awesome to have so many people join us for the 2nd Sunday arvo. Things were a bit more laid back, the heat slowing everything down a little. Housemate Hayden jumped up on the mic & gave us an impressive beat-box performance. We think he should have a permanent Sunday spot in the line-up.  Scotty’s sausage sizzle went down a treat as usual. We might bring back the chook raffle this weekend.

Deano's Gig Shot 30Nov14 Hayden BeatBox-30Nov14
Many thanks to Deano for the pics above. (Hayden beatboxing yesterday)

Looking forward to this Sunday. Couple of guest artists joining us, including singer/guitarist & looper, Olivia Kate. Take a look at her YouTube clips. Join us for another great cruisy arvo in the new venue.

Fires out.

Venue Opening Last Sunday

At the end of frantic months setting up, we opened doors for the first time Sunday. Had a great turn-out including crew from old Yak Bar days (Stalk’s bar which was just around the corner). Stalk is now our chief barman for this run of Sunday shows til Christmas. Doors open at 1pm, music from 2. Guest artists, spoken word reading, bag-pipes, acoustic solo tunes & band, sausage sizzle & this Sunday the raffle’s back. Make your way to 208 Johnston St Collingwood & join us for a great arvo in true Yak community spirit.

First Show-23Nov14
Sunday opening show at 208. Thanks Jeanette for great pics on Facebook!

Fires out.

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This Sunday – Opening Show

It’s a temporary, restricted liquor license, but we’re excited to be opening for the first time nonetheless. This Sunday the first of 5 in a row til Christmas. Doors open 1, show between 2 & 5, close round 7. We’re working like crazy here, making the venue as good as it can be for the first one. ‘lil rough & ready but set for a great time. Here’s a shot taken yesterday. We’ve used pallets to build the stage & bar.

Venue Stage & Bar Under Construction 16Nov14

Post again when I lift my head from sawing & hammer bashing.
Seeya Sunday,
Fires out.

Sunday Shows Til Christmas At New Venue

Starting 23rd November, we’re kicking off at the new venue. Doors open 1pm, live stuff 2pm til 5. Hanging out afterward for beers & shootin’ the summer breeze til 7:30. We’re racing to get the place ready for the first Sunday – hence the lack of posts for the past 2 weeks. Come down & join us. Entry’s Free. Spoke to Campbell last night – our 2nd confirmed guest artist – he’ll be busting out the bagpipes.


Fires out.

Vale The Great Gough Whitlam

Australia’s greatest leader, Gough Whitlam died yesterday at the age of 98. As tributes and reflection flow, we remember a man who profoundly changed our society. In 3 short years (1972 – 75) he wrenched this country out of the dark ages. Because of him, thousands of working class kids like me went to university, had access to free health care, got our own national youth radio station (Triple J), and the right to vote at 18. Unmarried women were allowed to apply for a bank loan & all women were awarded the same minimum wage as their male counterparts.

Gough Whitlam addresses reporters outside parliament in Canberra after his dismissal by the
governor general
. Pic from The Guardian website.

Whitlam ended military subscription, pulled our troops out of Vietnam, introduced the racial discrimination act and “no fault divorce” legislation, elevated the arts, stopped drilling for oil in the Great Barrier Reef, and installed sewage systems to the Australian suburbs (yep – it was a dunny out the back before Gough). The list goes on and on. Perhaps his most inspiring act was to return stolen land to traditional owners, the Gurindji people at Wattie Creek in the Northern Territory – pouring a hand full of soil into the palms of tribal leader Vincent Lingiari, symbolically handing back Wave Hill Station. “We are all mates now”, Lingiari said.

I don’t know what’s sadder today; the loss of such a great man, or the realisation there will never be another leader like him.

Vale the great Gough Whitlam. (read more)

Fires out.

Darcy Fox – Raw Talent

She’s probably still be a teenager. Darcy Fox commands her audience like a seasoned pro. Plays like a veteran. Freely admitting she uses a Roland Loop Station at her shows, a wall of sound builds around her, deftly built & put back in place as she pleases. The shot below depicts a solo acoustic show & tells almost none of the story. We all gathered yesterday in a small shop front on High Street, Northcote to experience another Darcy Fox event. There was even a hip hop song in the set, feet darting across pedals, punching loops in and out with calm precision. Go see her.

Darcy Fox Northcote 19Oct14
Darcy Fox, High St Northcote, Melbourne 19th Oct. 2014.

Fires out.

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