Photo shoot yesterday at midday. Another shoot at 2pm. Rehearsal in Boston at 4pm til 7. Everything going according to plan (more or less). The shot below taken at the second shoot by Sean (tour videographer).

Got back to the apartment at 8 & made a few calls to Australia. Then we all went out to dinner for a band & crew bonding session – which is always great. We get so cooped up each day, and mesmerised by laptops, that we’re only communicating at a work level most of the time. So it’s great to get out & relax a bit with everybody.

The restaurant: Fire Bull, a Spanish all-you-can-eat place just down the street. They give you this little beer-coaster thing. One side’s red, the other green. When it’s green, they hammer you with food, non-stop – waiters continually arriving with huge chunks of meat on skewers. Flip the coaster to the red side, & they give you a break, til it’s green again. Suffice to say, we all ate too much & nobody wants to eat today, just yet.

Checkya tomorrow.
Fires out.