Hose Down Daily Blog

Roots at Malthouse MIAF

Saw this last night at Malthouse, as part of Melbourne International Arts Festival. An amazing and engaging play – an intoxicating fusion of stunning projection mapping and comedic theatre. Left inspired about a completely different approach to lighting & production.

How Dare You!

Noam Chomsky: History is all too rich in records of horrendous wars, indescribable torture, massacres and every imaginable abuse of fundamental rights. But the threat of destruction of organized human life in any recognizable or tolerable form — that is entirely new. The environmental crisis under way is indeed unique in human history, and is a true existential crisis. Those alive today will decide the fate of humanity — and the fate of the other species that we are now destroying at a rate not seen for 65 million years, when a huge asteroid hit the earth, ending the age of the dinosaurs and opening the way for some small mammals to evolve to pose a similar threat to life on earth as that earlier asteroid, though differing from it in that we can make a choice.

Polska Demands New Record

Tour promoters in Poland, in anticipation of next year’s Europe tour, are asking when! When will The On Fires new record drop? We can’t say exactly – but we can say tracks from our forthcoming record will start appearing toward the end of this year…

Tigers Get It Done AFL 2019

A massive massive day in Melbourne town Saturday. Got into our seats at local bar Lulie by midday, ready for the big one and the biggest day of the year. After a tense first quarter Richmond hit the gas, leaving Greater Western Sydney for dead. It would become the biggest AFL Grand Final thrashing in 90 plus years. A shocker of a game, really. But for Tigers fans, who cares! And so the cup and holy grail remains Victorian for another year, another season done. And now, to cope with no footy til next year…

Full Series, Europe Tour 2019 Video Diary (All Episodes)

Here’s the full video tour diary series in one YouYube playlist. See the highs, the lows, rockin’ out across Germany and Poland this month.

Fires out.

Europe Tour 2019 Quick Re-cap Video

Quick tour re-cap from where it all began, Altengrenou Germany

Fires out

Europe Video Tour Diary Episode Five…

In this, the final Europe tour episode we discover we’ve left the keyboard behind while traveling across the German border into Poland (and of course have to go back for it). We meet our friend and Polish tour manager Pawel for the first time in nine years, visit the Baltic Coast and play the final tour show in Slupsk.

fires out.

Europe Video Tour Diary Episode Four…

Episode 4, 2019 European Tour Video, the weekend just gone – this one features more of Sinner Rock festival. And then the after-party show the following day. An epic outrageous all-nighter causing very slow tour movement Monday morning dammit…

Fires out.

Live Footage Alt Werdohl Germany – ‘Sweet Love’

Sweet Love, live at Alt Werdohl – Saturday night (07Sep2019)…

Fires out.

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